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Quality of life studies: Insights and analysis

Quality of Life (QoL) is a complex concept that is defined and interpreted differently by various disciplines in the social sciences, health, and medicine. The field of QoL studies is well established globally and growing in the sub-Saharan African subcontinent. A constraint to the field's development in Africa is the lack of relevant large-scale data, a gap the uniquely constituted GCRO QoL Surveys commendably address.

This project is designed to leverage the rich QoL Survey data from the GCRO to conduct a series of discreet papers aimed at understanding the multidimensional well-being of populations in the African urban context. Over time, the core of this project is intended to transform to include technical and methodological papers relating to QoL and the production of relevant datasets.


Academic publications

Ndagurwa, P. and Miles-Timotheus, S. 2024. Quality of Life in the Gauteng Province of South Africa: Is the sex of the household head important? Southern African Journal of Demography, Volume 23, Issue 1

GCRO outputs

Ndagurwa, P., Naidoo, L. & Miles-Timotheus, S. (2023). The distribution of male-headed and female-headed households in Gauteng. Map of the Month. Gauteng City-Region Observatory. March 2023.


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