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  • GCRO

QoL Viewer 2nd generation

Quality of Life (QoL) surveys, conducted by the Gauteng City-Region Observatory (GCRO) biennially since 2009, constitute a consistent source of data to analyse the quality of life of citizens in Gauteng. The surveys have a considerable impact on government’s work and receive significant media coverage because of their extensive coverage of a wide spectrum of socioeconomic dimensions of the Gauteng population, large sample sizes (ranging between 13,000 and 25,000), and quality of analysis.

The GCRO regards this dataset as a public resource, available to government officials, stakeholders, researchers to use on the condition that such use is not for financial gain. Many who require data will be able to access what they need from the GCRO QoL viewer which currently displays the 2009, 2012 and 2013 QoL survey data. Most of the variables are selectable, with an option to crosstab by local municipality or a few other demographic variables. The results are presented as tables and/or graphs and may be printed or downloaded. The SPSS data is also available to researchers on request (contact

As we incorporate the most recent data set (2017/18) we will also re-engineer the viewer in order to allow for ward level data visualisation and analysis of the 2013, 2015/16 and 2017/18 data (the QoL viewer currently only goes down to municipal level). All the previous QoL surveys since 2009 will also be integrated in the new QoL viewer. Enhancements in terms of making the new QoL viewer more interactive, user friendly and visually appealing is strongly considered.

The QoL viewer has currently been updated with QoL 5 (2017/18) and QoL 6 (2020/21) variable dataset and can be visualised in graph or map form. More information on the new viewer can be found on this page while the viewer itself can be accessed here.

Last updated: 14 December 2023


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